This past weekend, my cousin Brian got married in Port Townsend, Washington. Like most weddings, there were plenty of funny moments and good photo opportunities. Thankfully Devon was there because he sees good photo opportunities way more frequently than I do!
Here we are at the rehearsal dinner. Not to worry, these are not our hats and we did not pay for them:

Here is my brother Than (on the right) with my cousin Brian (on the left):

Yes ladies, my brother is single. Here is a close-up:
Here is a clue as to why such a handsome guy is still single (hint: the shoes):

Here is clue #2:

And here is what he could look like soon if he is not careful. (Kidding, this is another guest, his name is Alexis and he actually has a wife and kid):
Here I am trying to demonstrate for my brother how to a. match outfit and shoes and b. pose nicely (only mildly successful on that one):
Here is some local scenery. This is a Typical Courtenay Photo of Mt. Baker:
This is a Bald Eagle I saw on the walk where I also saw Mt. Baker:

In case you don't believe me here is the closeup:
This is my cousin Mika's daughter Nadja playing the piano at the rehearsal dinner. Nadja and I are friends because we are both obsessed with puppies, so that makes me cool. I'll take it.
I have another cousin with a kid. This one is Lucy. Lucy and my mom are friends because they are both obsessed with ponies, so that makes my mom cool according to Lucy:
And here is my mom, with 2 of her three kids. My sister Sarah was willingly stranded in Bogota so she couldn't make it, bummer for me because her smile usually makes my smile look good in comparison. My mom told me a million times that I need to seriously practice my smiling because in every photo I looked like some startled forest animal...

Just to prove to her that I can be photogenic, here I am showing my best feature to the camera whilst simultaneously writing a lovely note to the newlyweds:

Speaking of whom, here they are:
And here we are on the way back home, waiting for the ferry, thinking "Damn I had too much wine" and "Damn I had too many white russians" (7 to be exact!):

The one thing I wish I had on my camera is a photo or video of Brian dancing. Maybe someone else got one.
Labels: enjoy the blog, family