So Scary
Anyway, it's Halloween weekend. Halloween is historically my very favourite holiday, but for some reason this year I allowed life to distract me from preparing a good costume. Bummer. Next year I will be something for sure. I like to try to wear the least revealing outfit possible. Most chicks are skank-somethingorother for Halloween and it's kinda boring. Dudes either cross-dress or go as pimp-somethingorother. So the challenge is to be clever, NOT "sexy", if you ask me.
Enough preaching. The other night we carved our pumpkins, pictured below. Guess which one was mine and which was Devon's?

Today we went to lunch in Rockridge and apparently it is community trick-or-treat day for the kiddies. There were some great costumes, sadly I forgot my camera, but we saw all kinds of fruit and vegetable-clad toddlers, a few fairies, and my favourite: Curious George (who was about 3) and the man in yellow (Dad went all out, it was awesome). There were also some cute puppies dressed up. Rockridge can be so wholesome, I love it.
Last night we went to a party in the city. It was not exactly wholesome, but it was fun.
Kate was a Kangaroo, she made the costume herself!

Colin was the Sprocket guy from some TV show that I don't watch but everyone else probably does. SNL perhaps? He did the dance, it was so incredibly funny, I don't know why I didn't think of doing a video but I didn't, and his clothes were from the ladies' department at H&M (although the glasses were from the dollar store, hence the mismatched lenses):

Pat was a VERY believable Nerd:

Molly was a Space Vampire - I did not know there was such a thing but there is, and she looked great! Then she decided she hated her costume and started disassembling it... But at least she had a costume on. Anyway, the Space Vampire:

Jeff was the Bird Flu. I loved the costume, I don't know why I didn't take a photo, but I don't know him too well so I didn't want to intrude.
JD saw Halloween as the perfect occasion to loose his lesbian hairdo, which he has been sporting since Superweek or thereabouts, in favor of a new redneck mullet hairdo. Sue was understandably embarassed, she and I definitely commiserated and eye-rolled over our boys' costumes (you will see why I had reason to commiserate in a minute). I am sorry I didn't get a photo of Sue's costume, it was very clever and resourceful so I loved it! She was Static Cling and had some socks, underwear, and a glove attached to her shirt and skirt. It was very cute, a nice contrast to The Redneck. JD pulled off The Redneck look so well, and so naturally. Hmm...

Devon. The first thing I have to say is that it was not my idea. But actually it was pretty funny. Devon's Costume Part 1:


Devon was The Flasher. Kate was like "Go ahead Devon I will meet you guys at the party," the guys were like "haHA you want [obscenity] in your [obscenity], [obscenity]! BAM!", or something of the sort, and I was like "Kate, I am so sorry..."

Then we got to the party, where of course the flasher costume was a hit. And so was Devon's story of how he went to two sex stores in search of the perfect dildo, got hit on, etc. etc. etc. Then the drinking game started, something called flip-cup, which Devon siezed upon immediately with his characteristic competitiveness, volume, enthusiasm, and excessive celebration (think NFL touchdowns). I was lame. I siezed the opportunity to take a nap, actually it wasn't really a choice I just passed out after an hour or so of being there. I have been so tired lately, I couldn't help it. So I slept through the loudest parts of the party. Then Kate woke me up so we could go home.
By this point Devon was in rare form:

But, much like my unplanned nap, the crash back to earth came swiftly:

This morning, the hostesses said that Devon and JD were the life of the party! I am not surprised. I missed JD's best shenanigans due to my nap but that's OK, there is always next year. And next year I swear I will have a costume!
Labels: enjoy the blog, nonsense