2 Reasons to live in Reno

Labels: enjoy the blog, pretty
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building steam with a grain of salt
Labels: enjoy the blog, pretty
At DQ on the way home from the Mankato RR at Nature Valley, I had my first blizzard, and saw this cool car:
Taitt's stylin' and comfy ride on the way back from Captech. Interestingly, she finished the best of the 3 of us in the race, but got the worst seat... I think it had something to do with her map reading skills. Plus I would rather hold hands with Devon than Taitt ;)
A toad on our lawn at Nature Valley:
Nice pre-race weather for our Downtown Minneapolis crit at Nature Valley (we still raced somehow...)
Labels: enjoy the blog, four-leggeds, nonsense, racing
Labels: enjoy the blog, random
Labels: enjoy the blog, racing
Labels: enjoy the blog, nonsense
Labels: enjoy the blog, racing
Labels: enjoy the blog, racing
Here is happy Taitt with patient Simon:
Labels: enjoy the blog, four-leggeds, racing
me and taitt riding down cumberstone rd.
then we saved another turtle! we actually have saved 3 turtles so far this trip but for the third one i did not have my camera :(
the coffeeshop where we goofed off on the internet in nice air conditioning sporting our farmer tans
Labels: enjoy the blog, nonsense