[code"> [/code"> Courtenay Brown: Somethings and Nothings

Monday, December 11, 2006

Somethings and Nothings

Whoa Monday morning. After my first big weekend of training for the 2007 season, and as luck would have it the first big weekend of rain, I feel totally and completely out of it. Latte in hand (decaf of course, since I am still deluding myself into thinking that I am NOT addicted!), I sat down at my desk a few minutes ago, sighed, went to Smithers' page to confirm that I did indeed lose the best race race to Jared even though he whined...

WHAT?! I am WINNING?! By like THIRTY VOTES?! And the voting goes until 8 PM PST TODAY?!? I had no idea I had so many friends. Or maybe my mom just called all her friends - either way, thanks for voting for me, even though my brother pointed out that there is a (gulp) typo in my report!

In other news, WTF is up with spam commenters? Some unctuous cruise salesman commented on one of my Hawaii posts. I feel mildly violated. Is there anything at all anywhere in my blog about going on some dumb boat somewhere?! But I guess that's what I get for writing about my personal life on the internet, kinda like the chick running outside in just a sports bra and little flappy runner shorts, I can't get pissed when people notice and comment.

In additional other news, I went to the dentist on Friday. Despite my regular brush and floss and mouthwash and brush some more and replace the expensive sonicare head all the time regimen, I always leave the dentist feeling depressed and poor. Friday was no different - in fact I will be going back today to get some cavities fixed. After discussing my eating and brushing habits in detail with my dentist, we decided that my on-the-bike nutrition was the likely culprit. Riding for 5 hours with fragments of sucrose-filled energy bars stuck in my teeth, and occasionally dousing my mouth with sweetened drink mix... this is apparently an ideal bacteria breeding ground. So I need to change up my bike nutrition - I am going to drink just water, and use this stuff called Nuun as electrolyte replacement, no calories but the electrolytes are there. I will try to use more gels, since they don't stick in my teeth like bars, and it seems that Lara Bars have no sucrose ingredients since they are basically fruit and nuts so I am going to try to use Lara Bars exclusively, which is very convenient since I like them AND they are a sponsor of my new team for next year! I am concerned about taking in sufficient carbohydrates but thankfully the race season doesn't start till late Feb. for me so I have some time to sort things out and figure out what works.

If anyone has any experience with potentially cycling-related dental issues, or suggestions for nutritional products that I could try (up to this point, I have been using Clif bars and Gu20 almost exclusively, with the occasional Gu or Clif Shot), please let me know! As usual I need all the help I can get.

OK. That's it for now. In kids-these-days speak: I'ma peace. Late!

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Blogger Christopher Smith said...

I despise the dentist so I am always looking to spend as little amount of time and money there as possible.

Get one of those Oral-B electronical toothy brushy things too.

Since I started using one of those a few years ago I have not had one cavity and my dentist has told me that my teeth and gums look great.

9:06 AM  
Blogger Lorri Lee Lown -- velogirl said...

I've been saying that for years -- cycling nutrition is bad for your teeth. Have you noticed how all the pros have yellow teeth? Look at podium shots sometime and just look at the yellow teeth.

I chew gum when I ride. I use sports drink and gel but no bars. I think the gum helps. But my teeth used to be sparkly-white.

12:47 PM  
Blogger jAndy donka-donk said...


I ride with the Nuun and airborn in the bottles.....

And eat Lara bars even though they are hella espensive if you arent sponsored.....


But I have never had a cavity or braces, so I just do it to do it.....

p.s. I voted for you hekka times (yes hekka is more than hella and knowing how espensive those lara bars are you should know how many times I voted for you)

2:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny, I was just talking to my dentist about this. He suggested that when I drink from the bottle, I try to squirt it past my teeth, down the ol' gullet.
I usually brush and mouthwash before and after each ride with fairly good results. You know I like the Hammer nutrition stuff, it doesn't have sucrose,dextrose or fructose, and it has zylitol (like in that gum that fights cavities. My big question is:does maltodextrin give you cavities?
Oh yeah, them Lara bars are the jam-Ginger Stap especially!

8:11 PM  

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