[code"> [/code"> Courtenay Brown: The best of times and the worst of times...

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The best of times and the worst of times...

I am feeling highly melodramatic, and for that I apologize, additionally I apologize for my long break from blogger, BUT:

1. I won Silverman! I won I won I won! It was awesome! Half-marathons sure are hard, especially after a few hours in the water and on the bike, but somehow even though I am still in pain from the race, I am still even MORE excited about how cool it was. I can't wait for next year.

2. Right now though it's back to the mundane...

3. I am actually sitting at a public computer at the Incline Village rec center

4. BECAUSE my stupid laptop finally up and died this weekend.

5. So did my camera.

6. Anyhow, thankfully (or not), I am still jobless so I have all the time in the world to trot down to the Apple store in Reno tomorrow and beg them to pretty please fix my laptop for me.

7. I'll put together an honest-to-goodness race report here pretty soon, for those of you who are interested in all the gory Silverman details!

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Blogger Goodwyf Allie said...

WaHOO! Fabulous! The kids are all asleep--I can't wait to tell them! Congratulations We love you so much and are So Proud of you!!!

7:10 PM  
Blogger Lorri Lee Lown -- velogirl said...

congratulations! how great is that?

so, your apple died? me too! my 10 month old macbook died two weeks ago. the hard drive is toast. and I hadn't backed up since the end of September (stupid me). it's in a clean room right now trying to get the data restored. ARGH!

8:39 AM  
Blogger achilles3 said...

The Apple "Genius" desk is ready to make your day:-)

8:44 AM  
Blogger jAndy donka-donk said...

siiiiik shit cort......

and HAHAHAHA on the macbook...

everyone keeps buying those paperweights like they are the cure for cancer..... and I keep hearing stories how they are homesick for the applecare counter at the local mall every few months. Guess apple shouldn't have breastfed their macbooks for so long, they end up having a hard time getting out in the world and playing with the big kids......

9:02 AM  
Blogger Scott Nygaard said...

Woo hoo! Congratulations. Joey says "Go Courtenay!"

10:43 AM  

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