[code"> [/code"> Courtenay Brown: I Heart LL Bean

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I Heart LL Bean

So recently I found a little going-away cartoon that my little sister Sarah (the one I call Scare) drew for me and my brother Than 5 years ago. It is too priceless not to share, even if my family-member readers are the only ones who get it.

On this side of the note, Scare is standing next to our mom Sal and they are both waving 'bye to me and Than who are leaving after a week-ish at home in the summer. Scare is thinking "save me!", Sal is saying "Now Sweetie, blah blah blah... HAVE FUN KIDS!" while simultaneously thinking "Christ on a Bicycle I have SO much to do!". She is also wearing a t-shirt that says I Heart L.L. Bean (hahahahahaha!) and standing with hand on hip and feet splayed as usual. This is perhaps the most perfect compilation of the best Sal-isms in existence. Good job Scare! Also the likenesses are pretty good, Scare's hair tends to be all over the place and straw-like. In a cute way of course.

The back is less interesting to me. I don't like my hair and I look fat. (joke). Than and I (I'm the one in the skirt) are walking, into the airport one would assume, and I am wondering aloud whether there is a radio on the plane. I am not sure why I am wondering this. Than is shooting me down, as usual, whilst swaggering, as usual, with shaggy hair, as usual. Again: good job Scare! Speaking of whom, you can see her and Sal as stick figs in the background.

This was a typical situation for her growing up... she is 9 years younger than I am, and 7.5 years younger than Than, so we were several steps ahead of her on the independence road and she was usually at home/in the car with Sal while Than and I were going places or getting dropped off at school.

Relatedly, this is the year that I turn 30 and Scare turns 21! So, Sal is taking us to Hawaii to visit Than in August or September - woohoo, family vacation! I'll bring some black paper and fancy jelly pens so Scare can document her amusements and disdainments, which I am sure will abound. She has taken to calling me a "creep"...

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Blogger Goodwyf Allie said...

This is Choice! I have a photo of Sal in that exact stance from our wedding! HAHAHA! Thanks for posting it!A

2:23 PM  
Blogger Lorri Lee Lown -- velogirl said...

21. hell, 30!

4:22 PM  

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