[code"> [/code"> Courtenay Brown: Poor Little Me

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Poor Little Me

Another list of Five. This time, though, it's a list of why you should feel terribly sorry for me.

1. My Mac is on the fritz. It's three years old and I swear computer people put little chips in computers that make the computers start to go nuts after 3 years so that you have to buy a new one for the bargain price of a million dollars (my work 'puter is the same age and is also increasingly uncooperative). The thought of purchasing a new laptop is mildly fun and massively financially frightening.

2. I am still really tired, despite 3 days entirely off the bike and over a week since NVGP, and my resting HR is still too high.

Freakout has Commenced.

3. Yesterday while I was getting a filling, I overheard my dentist telling another patient that the average life span for a crown is 5 years. Which means for me that I can expect to spend approx. $2,000 per year (or future equivalent, inflation-adjusted) at the dentist's on crown-replacement alone, for the rest of my life. Even if I were to brush and floss 10x per day and never get another cavity or crown (ha), I still will always have a bunch of crowns to replace.

4. Further on the my-body-is-doomed tangent: Three years ago I was informed by an unnamed Chiropractor that my neck is straight where it should be curved and thus I can expect bone spurs and a neck fusion when I get older. Then he tried to parlay that into 3x week visits at $50 a visit ad infinitum, which of course pissed me off so I stopped going. Meanwhile I did nothing about the straight neck and endured the discomfort and numb hands. Well shock and surprise the straight neck is still there, as is the possibility of bone spurs, so I need to face the music or whatever and call the one Chiropractor in the whole world (of the approx. 6 who I have seen over the course of my life) who has not pissed me off and I will start to deal with this.

Isn't the age of 28 still technically supposed to be my youth, a time of immortality and endless corporal flexibility and resilience? I guess not.

5. Last reason to feel sorry for me is that I am such a whiner, a glass half-emptier who doesn't recognize her good fortune with regards to athletic opportunity, paradisical geographic placement, amazing support network, access to medical experts, etc. etc. Just kidding, I do recognize my charmed life in the grand scheme of things, but this foggy tired morning doesn't feel super charmed to me. Maybe it will once I finish this coffee?

Thanks for listening.

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Blogger Gilby said...

Hey, weren't you just teasing us Minnesotans for having equal numbers of bars, churches, and chiropractors? ;)

FWIW, I've had really good luck with chiropractors. Though my visits were frequent at first, now I go every 1-2 months. My chiropractor usually recommends stretches and yoga poses so that I don't have to see her more than necessary.

10:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have several crowns, all older than 10 years, one older than 20 years, have never had to have any replaced. Of course, I have the best dentist on the face of the planet. :-)

11:35 AM  
Blogger chatterbox said...

Things always look up once the proper amount of coffee has been ingested.

11:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whining is not a problem as long as you stock a good supply of cheese and crackers.

As to crowns, I recall a dentist in Germany giving me an emergency root canal and a crown. That was 30 years ago, just about now.

6:26 AM  
Blogger Goodwyf Allie said...

I have tons of OLD crowns. Try a cranio-sacral doc instead of chiropractic. Don't bellieve everything you are told about your body--yoga can do wonders!

3:41 PM  
Blogger Jill Homer said...

I know how you feel. I'm 27, old and decrepid. I'm all about avoiding the professionals, who only make me feel more decrepid.

11:49 PM  

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