[code"> [/code"> Courtenay Brown: Mountaintop Rescue!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Mountaintop Rescue!

(and by the way I am still laptop-less so no photos for a few more days... sorry!)

Anyhow this morning, as I was poring over Joy of Cooking wondering which was less likely to be disastrous, Pumpkin Pie or Pumpkin Cheesecake, I got a phone call from my very own pumpkin who had left about 15 minutes earlier to drive to Reno for work. He was halfway up Mt. Rose with a flat tire and no changing tools.

I leaped to action - my trusty Honda Civic and I were off to save him and his not-very trusty Honda Accord which I hate with increasing vengeance.

And by the way, 8:30 a.m. in late November at 7500' of elevation outside is NOT THE TIME to be wearing only velour pants, a t-shirt, and a $10 hoodie from Target. The good news is I have finally traded in my flipflops for solid footwear so at least my toes weren't freezing.

As per usual with my stories, I am providing an excess of detail for a nonexistent punch line. We changed the tire. Greg took my car to Reno and I am stuck with his temperamental relic from the dark ages all day. Good thing my only errands are within walking distance (and the 76 station is right across the street from our house! how fortunate!).

Now I am going to get back to my pie decision.

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Blogger achilles3 said...

i say cheesecake...with pics!

7:58 PM  

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