[code"> [/code"> Courtenay Brown: Speaking of The Little Brat

Friday, July 20, 2007

Speaking of The Little Brat

Talking to my mom about the new kitty led to me talking to my sister about my mom, and then about other things.

The little brat is doing well. Her life is still a boyless dismality, she says, and the new kitty is very cute, and no Sal is NOT going to call it Nueve, definitely NOT.

And, she even got herself a real live summer job in D.C.!

Me: how's work?

Scare: um
I'm not dead
which is a plus

Me: whoa
why would you be dead?

Scare: I work in Homeland Security
why wouldn't I be dead?
also there is the boredom factor.

I suggested she play minesweeper and plan cute outfits to wear this weekend while going into Annapolis by herself (since she doesn't know anyone) to buy the new Harry Potter, and additionally she could take up yoga because that's where she could meet some nice sensitive dudes. I was met with several "ugh"s and a fairly prompt peace-out.

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