I found THIS in Greg's gym bag today:

HAHAHA! Axe Body Wash in "Snake Peel" flavor!! Apparently he likes to shower before his lifeguard shifts to make sure he smells all hip and cool for the many hot ladies cruising the pool and gym. At home I am lucky if he even uses bar soap.
Although, I have no right to poke fun at him for falling for commercials on TV advertising how their awesome product will change your life or at least get you babes. My side of the sink (which even at home looks a bit like this) has the new Neutrogena Anti-Oxidant Age Reverse Day Lotion, the one with the commercial about free radicals with Jennifer Garner who I don't even like, but I saw it and was like OMG I totally need that! I also have a bunch of other newfangled smoothing de-wrinkling SPFing anti-whatnotting products... I'd blame it on the fact that I am turning 30 this year but really it's just that I am a marketing sucker.
Except when it comes to this Base Water stuff. Highly suspicious.

HAHAHA! Axe Body Wash in "Snake Peel" flavor!! Apparently he likes to shower before his lifeguard shifts to make sure he smells all hip and cool for the many hot ladies cruising the pool and gym. At home I am lucky if he even uses bar soap.
Although, I have no right to poke fun at him for falling for commercials on TV advertising how their awesome product will change your life or at least get you babes. My side of the sink (which even at home looks a bit like this) has the new Neutrogena Anti-Oxidant Age Reverse Day Lotion, the one with the commercial about free radicals with Jennifer Garner who I don't even like, but I saw it and was like OMG I totally need that! I also have a bunch of other newfangled smoothing de-wrinkling SPFing anti-whatnotting products... I'd blame it on the fact that I am turning 30 this year but really it's just that I am a marketing sucker.
Except when it comes to this Base Water stuff. Highly suspicious.
Labels: enjoy the blog, random
My bathroom looks exactly like that, too. I think that is even the same countertop we have. Now I need to go look into that neutrogena stuff...
I literally burst out laughing when I read this. SNAKE PEEL?
I think those Axe commercials are the most ridiculous things I have ever seen. And they crack me up, because then I think "oh yeah right, like any guy is SERIOUSLY going to buy THAT."
I guess their marketing really DOES work. I've been silenced.
So the question then, is, does Greg get all the hot chicks like the guys the in commercial do? Or is it the water-aerobics ladies with their noodles?
C'mon Greg...inquiring minds want to know.
And as for Courtenay - I mean, how can us women NOT fall for those things? I think women think that if we buy a bunch of those different anti-wrinkle/skin-smoothing/super-moisturizing things, at least ONE product has to actually work, right?
I don't like Jennifer Garner either.
1) I only leave comments in numbered lists
2) a travel bathroom is not indicative of your home bathroom - put a photo of that up. I know mine looks like a Walgreens beauty aisle post-earthquake. None of it is mine.
3) Perhaps Greg is using it as a lady barrier, Snake Peel is only 1 'L' away from Snake Pee.
4) You'll get some Axe in your race bag Sunday - they honestly do that. Last summer I was going to throw it out and then Greta smelled it and was like 'I'm gonna get you more of that'.
5) the commercials don't lie. Ben uses it too, though I think his mom got it for him.
1) I only refute slander in numbered lists
2a) This is so slanderous I hardly know where to start.
2b) I found the axe in the locker room as I was closing the pool one evening and I put it in my backpack.
3) I have never even used it.
4)I too think the commercials are ridiculous - i'm looking for the remote ever time one of them comes on.
5) Maybe when I too have nothing good to write about I'll just make fun of Courtenay for something that isn't true.
6) so there.
This is too funny!
what woman likes Jennifer Garner anway? what was neutrogena thinking?
Are you digging in his pockets and wallet also?
Good girl!...
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