My Kitty is the Cutest


He kind of tolerates Greg sometimes. Playfulness goes way down the tubes when Greg's around, but you know what it's Greg's own fault for thinking it's funny to growl and hiss at kitty "just to see what he'll do."

In other news, today was a typical sort of day... Hit snooze 3 times, at 9:00, 9:09, and 9:18, didn't tip on my $4.24 drink at Starbucks even though normally it's $4.67 and she forgot to charge me for the soy, went to work, broke the brand new heavy-duty stapler, went to the pool, made Greg watch me swim and agree that I have improved, did some core work while watching ESPN, came home, after much indecision settled on a microwaved sweet potato for dinner, made cookies for Greg, and watched an awesome movie!
Labels: enjoy the blog, four-leggeds, random
1. i want a cat soooo badly again. scott claims he is allergic, but he claims that about babies too. ;)
2. you have to start tipping. i was like you once, just take baby steps and tip evey other time. or pick a favorite employee and just tip them. you just have to start. have to.
3. when are you giving up trigeekdom and coming back to bikestuddom?
Charlie Brown is pretty cute, I have to say. :) He and Tabbitha would be good buddies, I can just imagine. And fyi - Greg isn't the only one who hisses and growels at cats just to, "see how they'll react." Nathaniel is the same.
No wonder Tabbitha attacks him!
Great movie! :)
1) Your cat is ADORABLE. Tell Greg to stop hissing at him. It's mean. One of these days he's going to scratch Greg's eyeball. Just to see what he'll do.
2) Nice on the snooze! I still feel horrible for giving Greg ideas like kicking you out of the bed or calling snooze a nasty habit. Sorry. :(
3) I still disagree about the tip. I am with Loren on this one. Why is there a tip jar everywhere you go? I sound like a sourpuss but I stand my ground. Unless there is some extra service being done or somebody is especially super-duper...I'm not going to tip somebody for doing what they get paid to do. Especially at a coffee shop where the 'tip' inevitably ends up being spare change (which I USE AND LOVE). When I tip my hair stylist, it's a true tip. I don't just half-ass it and give her the couple dollars in my wallet, do I? When I tip a massage therapist, I don't just hand him/her two ones and say 'thanks.' I'm going to ask my sister about this one and just see what she thinks of it all...stay tuned for the 17 year-old's perspective. ;)
3) Why'd you microwave the sweet potato? I've never done that...just oven. But sounds delicious. What kind of cookies?
4) Never heard of that movie! I'll have to rent it. Looks good!
I don't mind snooze when it's at 9 and 9:09 AM, I'm already awake, and I've already gotten my full 10 hours.
I've tried everything with Charlie, but to no avail. To him, I'm just big and scary.
I only hissed at him once, at Court's behest, and we both laughed when he hissed back.
I admit, I enjoy growling at him, but it's only in an effort to desensitize him so he won't be so afraid when I talk or laugh or something.
I agree...cute cat!
I wouldn't stress over the tip at Starbucks! Seriously, call me a bitch but how hard is it to take my order and get be a skinny latte? I'm already paying close to $5! I agree with Sarah..EVERYONE had tips jars now-a-days. WTF?!
Miss Manners says you only have to tip at full service restaurants.
Cats are cute. Yours is very cute. Babies are cuter.
My kitty is cuter!!!!!!!!!!!!
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