Yesterday I went to the Chiropractor AND I went to get a massage. Poor Me for sure.
Warning: ringing product/service endorsement and gratuitous caps-lock ensue: And by the way if anyone needs a good chiropractor,
Chappy Wood is excellent, AND he is a cyclist so not only do you get good adjustments and therapies, but you also get to talk bike parts and rehash the latest bike-world goings-on, PLUS as if that weren't enough, they have Cycle Sport Magazine in the waiting room!!
I would like to further ringingly endorse JD, who is an excellent Massage Therapist AND excellent entertainer (see previous posts with his jokes et c., sorry to laze-out on you and not hyperlink but if you look in quotables you'll find them).
For recent example:
Me: So JD, if I were a guy, would you massage my chestal area differently-slash-more?
JD: No. I mostly massage the attachments in the chest. It doesn't make a difference if you are a boy or a girl for those.
Me: So boobs don't get in the way?
JD: No.
Me: Oh.
JD: Really I am just not into touching dudes' nipples.
I laugh for a long timeJD: It's not that funny!
For another example:
blah blah blah trip to Maui
blah blah my friend's wedding
blah blah and I am going to be his best man.
Me: Cool. What's his fiance like?
JD: He's kind of, well, difficult.
Me: He? Wait are they gay?
JD: Yeah. It's technically a commitment ceremony, not a wedding.
Me: Nice. Tell me more.
JD: He wants to wear this white linen pantsuit thing.
Me: Ha. What are YOU wearing?!
JD: Um. They got us these Hawaiian shirts. Not the best look for me.
Me: What about pants? Are you wearing pants?
JD: We don't know yet. There are only two guys in the actual wedding.
Me: Oh.
JD: But guess how many chicks? FOURTEEN! They each have 7 in their, you know, bridal party!
And he is also good at putting me in my place:
Me: I started swimming!
JD: Oh really.
Me: I am a natural!
JD: Yeah you definitely have natural buoyancy here. I bet that helps a lot.
(snicker snicker).The bummer is that JD is off to Superweek and then Maui (see above) so I will have to call a back-up massage therapist. Anyway wish JD luck - if you are going to be there too, it's JD Bergman, and he wears this baby blue kit (team is called Squadra)(I give permission to tease him) and he will be in the P/1-2 races!
Labels: enjoy the blog, JD, quotables